2024-2025 Lottery Information

Click on the following tabs to learn more about the 2024-2025 lottery .

Parents and Guardians,

Thank you for your interest in the Sidney Gutierrez School.

Sidney Gutierrez continues to be recognized as an established leader in New Mexico’s charter school movement and consistently ranks as one of New Mexico’s premier public schools. Sidney has been successfully enriching Roswell’s educational landscape for over twenty years. The school has effectively met each of the challenges confronting public education with the support of our amazing families and partnerships. It is with great confidence and expectation that the 2024-2025 school year will provide each of our students and their families the greatest outcomes!


Joseph Andreis

  1. Sidney Gutierrez Schools is a tuition free, New Mexico public school open to all applicants entering grades K-8, on a space available basis within each grade level.
  2. Sidney Gutierrez School’s charter complies with a student enrollment cap of 196 students with its authorizers, the Roswell Independent School District and the New Mexico Public Education Department.
  3. Sidney Gutierrez does not have admissions criteria or discriminate on any basis.
  4. Students who have a disability or who may need special educational services are eligible for admission on the same basis as other students.
  5. No tests are required for admission to the school.
  1. The open enrollment period for the 2024-2025 Enrollment Lottery is from February 5, 2024 through February 23, 2024.
  2. The application deadline is at 5:00pm on February 23, 2024.
  3. Each application meeting all requirements and successfully processed during the Open Enrollment period is eligible for the Lottery drawing on April 2, 2024.
  4. Applications received after the 5:00pm deadline on February 23, 2024 will be placed at the end of the Wait List for the respective grade level in the order they were received.
  • The lottery drawing will be held at the regular monthly meeting of the SGS Governing Council on April 2, 2024 at 6:00pm.
    • This meeting is open to the public and meets the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.
  • In addition, the meeting can also be attended in a virtual format via videoconferencing.
    • The link for the meeting is: [Click Here]
    • The Meeting ID for the meeting is: 599 284 6081
    • The Passcode for the meeting is: 283090

Verification Process:

  1. All applications submitted and accepted were completed online.
  2. Only one (1) application is accepted per child.
  3. Only one (1) grade level application will be accepted per applicant.
  4. If the total of verified student applications exceeds the number of enrollment slots in a particular grade level, a lottery drawing will be conducted for that grade level.
  5. During the lottery, available enrollment slots for each grade level will be filled first; then, the remaining applicants will be placed on a Wait List in the order they were drawn.
  6. Applications submitted after the 5:00pm February 23, 2024 deadline will be placed at the end of the Wait List in the order they were submitted.
  7. Per statutory requirements, preference will be given to siblings attending the Sidney Gutierrez Middle School.
  8. If the application is for a sibling, documentation of sibling status must be provided during the registration process. Inability to demonstrate sibling status will disqualify the student from enrolling with the sibling preference and the next student on the Wait List will be offered that enrollment slot.
  1. Results of the lottery on the school’s website will be posted following the drawing.
  2. Parents will use the Unique ID that was sent via email to determine the enrollment status and position of their child.
  3. Following the lottery drawing, SGMS will post a webform for parents of accepted students to complete on or before 5:00pm on May 24, 2024 to accept the enrollment position for the 2024-2025 school year.
  4. Failure of parents to notify the school of accepting the enrollment slot by the established deadline will result in the enrollment slot being offered to the next available student on the Wait List.